Our Expo Experience
Take a look at the experience of the Black Vendor Expo!
Over 75 Black Business Owners every month!
Circulating Black Dollars worldwide!
WSB-TV x BVE August 2021
WSB-TV joined us at our Goal-Getter Edition Expo as we kicked-off our Circulating Goal of $500k Black Dollars within the black community in 12 months.
The Goal-Getter Expo August 2021
The Goal-Getter Edition kicked-off our Circulating Goal of $500k Black Dollars within the black community at the BVE Expos in 12 months. With over 75 vendors we had an amazing start to our goal!
1 Year Anniversary Brunch & Expo July 2021
After 12 months of completely sold out expos we celebrated in a major way with all of our amazing supporters and vendors! We highlighted a few of our top vendors and awesome volunteers at the brunch and had our monthly expo the next day with our greatest turnout ever!
Kidtastic Summer Bash Edition June 2021
The Kidtastic Expo was our 2nd kid vendor event and our 1st indoor/outdoor expo. Our host Coach Clark had the kids lit with a round of karaoke and dance battles. The Starving Artist Podcast came out once again to interview all of our mini bosses!
Money May Edition 2021
Our Money May Edition vendor slots sold out in 2 days! We had such an incredible time! 75+ Black Vendors and so many attendees!